Magik Press Studios is a micro-press that prints limited-edition, bespoke, and one-of-a-kind books, zines and art prints.

Our design services provide expert guidance for creators and arts educators. The studio also hosts events and workshops for all ages and experience levels.

Creativity Heals: Finding a place to belong through art (The Day, 2020)

Creativity Heals: Finding a place to belong through art (The Day, 2020)

News Article
The Day
March 31, 2020

By Emma Palzere-Rae, Special to The Times

As a child, Aly Maderson Quinlog was aware of not identifying as a boy or as a girl. Although not able to articulate it at the time, Aly was not like other kids.

The first identity that Aly felt comfortable with was as an artist.

But life presented other challenges to Aly as well. In addition to gender identity — Aly identifies as non-binary and uses gender-neutral pronouns — there were struggles with anxiety, trauma, substance abuse and other mental health isues. Today, Aly identifies as a survivor.

"Art saved me," Aly said in a recent interview. "Art is part of my identity. It's the first identity I had that didn't have a gender. Being 'The Artist' gave me a place that was mine."

So it's not surprising that Aly has made a career as a multi-faceted professional artist, weaving public art and education into professional work. Aly is known around New London for displays of art in vacant store windows, street art, community printmaking sessions at Spark Makerspace, gallery exhibits, and for ownership of Magik Press.

Aly couples personal art practices with professional work to maintain well-being.

"I set clear boundaries between my hobbies outside of my artistic work. I use art and meditative practice that is very personal and important to me," Aly said, admitting that some of the personal work has moved into gallery exhibits, creating some overlap.

Magik Press is another place for healing. Through the press, Aly educates and empowers through expression and political activism. The press puts theories into action.

Aly's graduate school thesis was on how art connects the brain and the heart.

"People need community. Art creates and drives community," Aly said. "With all the things going on today ... art can heal it."

Next time you are walking through New London, look for Aly's art. It may not only be self-healing; it just might be healing the larger community.

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